How To Improve Focus And Concentration In Adults

When your focus is not where it should be, you can become easily distracted. Here are some tips to learn how to improve your focus and concentration.

How To Improve Focus And Concentration In Adults

When your focus is not where it should be, you can become distracted or lose track of what you were doing before your break. This can have disastrous results if you are working on something important, like coursework or giving a presentation for your company.

You may also notice that when your attention is not focused properly, you feel tired and distractible most of the time. If this is a pattern for you, it’s probably because your body has given up trying to keep you occupied.

It was spending so much energy keeping you engaged and involved with things that it now needs your help to do the opposite.

Fortunately, there are several ways to improve your focus in adults. Here are some tips that will surely strengthen your concentration ability.

Disclaimer: This article contains thoughts about improving your mental health. The contents of this article are intended for educational purposes only and/or for use by an individual self-diagnosing mental health issues. As such, the content here is considered helpful, but not medical advice. You should always seek professional diagnosis from a licensed doctor or psychiatrist prior to making changes related to your psychological state.

Be consistent

Woman Coding on Computer

Consistency is one of the biggest factors in improving your focus and concentration. If you do not maintain consistency, it will be difficult to achieve good results.

There are many things that can cause distractions in our lives including friends, family, work, and entertainment.

These distractions may seem harmless at first, but they can erode our ability to focus.

If you need help focusing or want to improve your overall focus, try limiting these distractions by leaving them behind for just one week.

Do not cancel meetings because you think you’ll lose focus if you have to leave early, instead simply ask yourself whether this is more important than what you should be doing.

You may also find it helpful to give yourself time limits on how long you can spend watching TV, surfing the net, etc. – keep it realistic though as there is no point staying up all night studying!

In addition to keeping daily studies short, get into a habit of breaking down longer projects into smaller ones which take less time to complete. This helps prevent over-estimation of time needed, and can help avoid stress caused by running out of time.

Furthermore, make sure to schedule enough rest after completing tasks to allow for new activity cycles.

When possible, use an app such as Rize to track how much time you spent on each task and where you were when you finished so you can see patterns and create lessons from past mistakes.

Challenge yourself

Man with Backpack Standing on the Edge of the Cliff

It’s easy to get distracted by what you want or need, but not doing so is disastrous for your focus and overall productivity.

If you’ve ever tried to concentrate while watching TV, then you know how difficult it can be.

There are always things happening that distract you, from noises to conversation.

And because there’s a lot of stimuli around us, too often we’re exposed to distractions every few minutes.

That’s why practicing focused attention exercises is so important. They help reduce interference and break down mental barriers that may prevent you from focusing fully on a task.

Here are some tips to improve focus in adults.

Practice mindfulness.

This means paying full attention to the present moment without judging anything else.

Some ways to do this include meditation, yoga, tai chi, and other types of relaxation practices. Others enjoy listening to music or reading books they have fun with- anything that doesn’t require thinking about something else.

Give up unnecessary gadgets and technology. These things take away time from productive activities since you have to invest time in maintaining them and setting aside time to use them.

By giving up these tools, you’ll save time that you could devote to more meaningful tasks. Invest in quality silence instead!

Avoid excessive sugar. Just like with fat, too much sugar can cause inflammation which can affect blood flow and energy levels.

Be optimistic

Back View of Woman Looking into Sea

It may sound cliché, but being an optimist can help you focus. When things are going well, you feel good about yourself and your abilities.

You’re more likely to keep doing what you’re doing because you like how you’ve been performing, not because of fear of failure or worry about losing this next task.

Concentrating is hard enough without adding negative thoughts into the mix!

Optimism can also influence other people around you. If someone else is very enthusiastic and positive, they might inspire you to be happier and brighter as well.

Drinking coffee with friends sometimes requires no introductions at all!

Having fun with others can be a great way to improve your concentration, mood, and motivation. Friends that laugh together stay closer than those who don’t.

If you want to see changes in your life, start by changing something about yourself. You’ll find it’s harder to control distractions when you’re looking forward to something.

Practice daily exercises for mindfulness (paying attention to the present moment) and use of affirmations (positive statements). Both can have profound effects on overall wellness and happiness.

Keep learning

It’s easy to get distracted by media, conversations, and tasks, so make time every day to learn and do something that you enjoy.

This will strengthen your connection with self and others.

Practice yoga

People Doing Raised Hands Pose in Yoga Class

One of the most effective ways to improve focus and concentration is through yoga. There are many types of yoga, but all share some similarities in terms of focusing attention and improving relaxation.

One of the biggest components of almost every style of yoga is meditation. Meditation can be done at-home or in a studio setting, but both require you to focus your mind and still nothing else for lengthier periods of time.

Yoga offers different positions and poses that aid in this process. Some people focus on their breathing while doing yoga, which helps relax the body as well. Others work on thinking about relaxing parts of the body such as their feet or hands. This aids in overall relaxation.

There are also some practices where individuals count down from 10 before exhaling fully, which helps reduce stress and anxiety. Beyond just practicing yoga, adding other forms of fitness into your routine can help promote wellness and self-care.

Limit screen time

Back view of unrecognizable male in outerwear sitting on ground against shabby concrete wall with graffiti while looking at screen of vintage television on blurred background

With all of this technology we have at our disposal, it is easy to access screens via smartphone, computer, tablet, television – you name it!

There are many theories about how excessive use of screens can be detrimental to mental health. One theory suggests that exposure to too much digital content may contribute towards attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (or ADHD).

Other studies suggest that long term exposure to the media may negatively affect psychological well-being by influencing personality traits such as agreeableness and openness to new experiences.

While there has been some controversy surrounding the effects of tech on children’s development, research shows that teens are just as likely to suffer from symptoms of anxiety or depression due to frequent device usage as adults are.

Given that more than half of teenagers own a cell phone, it is important to consider potential negative impacts when investing in self-care strategies for your loved ones.

Limiting screen time is one of the best things you can do to improve focus and concentration in older people. It is also an excellent way to reduce stress, find relaxation, and enjoy leisure activities.

You don’t need to completely eliminate screen time, but you should strive to limit daily minutes to less than two hours. You could even start with only 15 minute increments to see what time of day is most productive for you and your lifestyle.

Another option is to try using a mobile app designed to help you achieve goal focused meditation or mindfulness sessions.

Engage in exercise

People Running on the Road

One of the biggest things that influence focus is how active you are. If you spend most of your time sitting, you will start to feel like it’s impossible to do anything beyond lying down or sleeping.

When you’re awake, your body wants to relax and recover so it can prepare for sleep or the next day. In fact, recent studies have shown that extended periods of inactive sleep (or rest) can actually cause memory loss and mental fog.

Exercise is an excellent way to increase overall activity levels. It’s also a great way to reduce stress and promote happiness.

Many different types of exercises can boost attention and concentration. They include swimming, running, yoga, weight lifting, dancing — whatever makes you enjoy doing it and feels good.

You don’t need to work out every day, but try to be at least 30 minutes long on at least five days per week.

Get natural sleep aids

Barefoot woman napping between carton box and pond on lawn

Natural ways to improve focus and concentration include reducing sugar intake, eating more fruits and vegetables, and getting enough sleep.

Sleeping well is one of the most important things you can do for your mental health. When we lack sufficient rest, our brains cannot function properly.

When we are sleeping well, it helps regulate hormones such as cortisol that are involved in stress response.

Hormonal imbalance is linked to depression and anxiety, so making sure you are not over-aroused or under-aroused can help mitigate symptoms.

Drinking adequate amounts of water also impacts brain functioning by helping ensure proper fluid balance. Lack of fluids can lead to dehydration, which can impair cognitive functions like thinking, reasoning, remembering and communicating.

Avoid caffeine

Black Round Plastic Container on White Table

Recent studies show that drinking too much coffee can actually be detrimental to your focus and concentration. Consuming large amounts of caffeine may even cause you to lose focus and concentrate on something for a short time, before it is not available to you anymore.

Caffeine is active compound in coffee and it is a mild central nervous system stimulant. Research has shown that there are initial beneficial effects such as improved attention, alertness and physical performance. However, in some individuals, there may be adverse effects, like irregular sleep patterns.

Many people start off their day by having a cup of coffee, which can sometimes lead to being distracted during the rest of the day. If you must have coffee, try to keep it under 3 cups per day so it has less chance to affect you.

Alternatively, you can choose to give up caffeine completely or reduce the amount you are consuming. There are ways to do this such as skipping breakfast, eating smaller meals, and/or drinking water instead.


If you're struggling with stress, anxiety, depression, or other emotional disorders, changing the way you respond to difficult situations can make a big difference. Learning how to manage these feelings more effectively is a great first step towards healing.